I attended her session that was entitled Sea Turtles.
Now, some of you who have followed my blog know about my dear turtle Squirtle. Squirtle is an aquatic turtle and not a sea turtle - he lives in our tank in the classroom and is a beloved classroom pet.
In her session she introduced us to her beloved turtle passion. You see, at this aquarium they monitor sea turtles - loggerhead, green sea turtles and leatherback. Megan has developed an AMAZING sea turtle curriculum that is FREE for teachers. I highly recommend that you check it out at http://seaturtleexploration.com/ . On her website you will find lesson plans, video links and even virtual lessons. Some examples of the lesson plans include:
Sea Turtle Hatchling - the kids will create a turtle hatchling out of rocks. Then they will learn how to measure the hatchling like a real turtle scientist. I can't wait to do this with my kids. I have bought the rocks and have the glue guns ready to go! They will love this.
Another really cool lesson is You make the Crawl.

She also showed us a real sea turtle shell and taught us about the sea turtle's form and function.
This website has so many things on it that you can use all year! The part I took home an implemented the very next day was the tracking of a hatchling over the course of a year.
So,this already is enough to get me excited! What a great resource of lessons that are developed in an engaging, real world context. But the next part is what really got me out of my seat....
Every year the aquarium keeps two hatchlings left over from the bottom of the nest. These turtles become "mascots' for a year. The scientists research and study their growth and development. After a year at the aquarium, they are released into the ocean as a yearling.

In my class, we adopted Turtle A. As a class we brainstormed names for the turtle - which brought up a question....do we know if it is a girl or a boy? We emailed Megan who answered us quickly and described that it takes years to figure out the sex of the turtle (male turtles have longer tails eventually than female). While Megan voted for the name Rosie, the children eventually chose Chris.
We set up a data station in the room where we can track the turtle's growth. I printed off a few pictures from the website and then created two graphs for data collection - a bar graph for length and a line graph for mass.

On another note, check out the cute turtle we made out of a pumpkin!