You may have noticed that I am very proud of our outdoor classroom space....As I have stated a million times, it is all due to our wonderful local
Master Gardeners. If any of you are considering taking this project on, I highly recommend you contact them through your local extension centers. If you click on the link above, there is a data base telling you where they are located in your state. Master Gardeners have to do community service as part of the program. They are usually looking for volunteer hours and would love to help out. My Master Gardener secured the grant through Kohl's to provide money for the materials, organized the whole building process, waters the garden all through the year and into the summer when we are gone and even started an after school Garden Club for the kids. So check into this resource if you are seriously considering a garden at your school.
SherriA asked me how we put a whiteboard outside in our garden. She was wondering if the weather would ruin it, how we mounted it and what we use it for.
Well, like I said before...I have connections. (ha ha) I was blessed last year that a former student, Benjamin Crisler, needed a project for his Eagle Scout qualifications. He decided to finish off our outdoor classroom. We already had the "garage port" and some beat up old picnic tables. He built us three more brand new picnic tables, put pebbles underneath the tables and and also built us the Whiteboard Board.
SherriA you are correct. We couldn't figure out how to put it outside so that it would be safe from the elements. Benjamin came up with this idea. It is portable. He created a stand with giant clips on it (chained to the board so that none of our lovely neighbors will
steal borrow them). We stash the whiteboard inside the school in the hallway by the door way so we can bring it out when we need it. I like this feature because you can use it on both sides. If you are working in the shelter, it can face the picnic tables. If you are working in the gardens, it can face the gardens. I hope this helps you out...Get outdoors and enjoy it with your students!
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